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Property Summary

Beds: 1 Baths: 1 Car Park: 1

Property Description

Tidy One Bedroom Unit

Situated in the popular suburb of Somerfield this tidy one bedroom unit is available soon. Book your inspection to view today.


Property Features Include:

– Separate living room with heat pump
– Double bedroom with wardrobe
– Modernised bathroom
– Double glazing
– Tidy kitchenette
– Separate toilet
– Single garage & additional carport
– Low maintenance & private front yard

Properties like this one do not come up for rent often, get in quick to avoid missing out. Fantastic location just minutes from Barrington Mall and handy to the Cashmere & Port Hills.

Sorry no pets.

Available 22nd December 2024.

Please DO NOT enter the property unless during a viewing organised by the Property Manager, you may view the property from the street ONLY.
Disclaimer: While every effort has been made to ensure any School Zone information displayed is accurate, please check details directly with the school before making decisions based on this information.
** We have a variety of other properties available that may suit your requirements, please visit our website at to view a full range of photos and information on each.

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